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The Twin Sister Dilemma: The Extreme Sacrifice


Unless Leena sacrifices her future, her family risks losing everything.

She made the ultimate sacrifice to help her family.

Get your copy to enjoy the story and discover the sacrifice she made for her family.



Unless Leena sacrifices her future, her family risks losing everything.

The Jones family was a happy one. A family of 3 girls, of which, two were twins.

The three girls loved one another dearly, and the parents loved their girls. Everything was working fine for the family until one of the girls became terribly ill with a life-threatening condition.

After this incident, their lives never remained the same because a life was at stake. The sickness affected the family in every aspect, including their finances. The parents spent all that they had to keep their daughter alive.

There was a glimmer of hope when one of the twins got a high-paying college scholarship that came with a huge monthly stipend.

This brought a sigh of relief for the family because they could live from the scholarship funds.

But life was so unfair. A few weeks before school begins, something terrible happened.

Now, the family is close to losing everything, including the life of their sick daughter, unless Leena, one of the twins, steps up to the occasion.

Leena feels totally unqualified for what she is being asked to do, but her love for her family made her sacrifice her dreams and future. She made the ultimate sacrifice to help her family.

Get your copy to enjoy the story and discover the sacrifice she made for her family.


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Unless Leena sacrifices her future, her family risks losing everything.

The Jones family was a happy one. A family of 3 girls, of which, two were twins.

The three girls loved one another dearly, and the parents loved their girls. Everything was working fine for the family until one of the girls became terribly ill with a life-threatening condition.

After this incident, their lives never remained the same because a life was at stake. The sickness affected the family in every aspect, including their finances. The parents spent all that they had to keep their daughter alive.

There was a glimmer of hope when one of the twins got a high-paying college scholarship that came with a huge monthly stipend.

This brought a sigh of relief for the family because they could live from the scholarship funds.

But life was so unfair. A few weeks before school begins, something terrible happened.

Now, the family is close to losing everything, including the life of their sick daughter, unless Leena, one of the twins, steps up to the occasion.

Leena feels totally unqualified for what she is being asked to do, but her love for her family made her sacrifice her dreams and future. She made the ultimate sacrifice to help her family.

Get your copy to enjoy the story and discover the sacrifice she made for her family.


NOTE: If you are paying with your card, add to cart first and click on view cart to make payment with your card.