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How to Start Living a Healthy Lifestyle: 6 Unique Steps to Get Started

How to start living a healthy lifestyle: 6 unique steps to follow

How to start living a healthy lifestyle is such a challenging topic with the flood of various wellness tips online.

Are you tired of searching and reading tons of wellness advice online, each telling you to eat more veggies, hit the gym daily, and clock in a solid 8 hours of sleep?

It’s like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded, right?

You’re not alone in feeling that way.

Imagine this: You’ve got all these wellness goals in your head, but when you try to start, it’s like standing at the foot of Mount Everest, wondering if it’s worth the climb.

That feeling of being overwhelmed can be paralyzing, and let’s face it, most of us have been there.

I get it—I’ve been there too. When I embarked on my own wellness journey a few years back, I was drowned in a sea of information.

I’m here to simplify it all for you. Think of me as your compass, showing you the way step by step, equipping you with the tools you need to kickstart a healthy lifestyle that truly nurtures your well-being.

Whether you’re a newbie or someone wanting to up your wellness game, this article is tailor-made for you. So, let’s dive into how to start living a healthy lifestyle.

6 Unconventional Steps to Start Living a Healthy Lifestyle

1. Healthy lifestyle self-reflection

This process involves using questions to determine specific areas in your lifestyle that could be unhealthy. For instance, you may not have issues with your sleep or stress, but your eating behaviors may require some adjustments.

This is why it is not absolutely helpful to follow most wellness tips out there…


They are not personalized.

You have to personalize wellness tips by thinking through your lifestyle behaviors and identifying unhealthy ones by yourself.

Here are some core questions that can help you with the process:

  • What does a healthy lifestyle mean to you?
  • What does your ideal vision of a healthy lifestyle look like?
  • What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to you and your loved ones?
  • What is stopping you from achieving a healthy lifestyle now?

After answering these questions, take time to meditate on your response to anchor what is essential to you at this moment.

2. Lifestyle  behavior audit

It is the step-by-step process of using tools to objectively review and identify gaps between your current and target behaviors.

A lifestyle behavior audit will show you specific unhealthy behaviors that could put you at risk of chronic diseases if unaddressed.

This was a tool I wish I had when I was practicing as a primary care physician a few years ago.

Because it would have revealed the unhealthy habits I ignored, which worsened and resulted in elevated blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.

Fortunately, you can click the link below to check out this tool I created to help other busy and stressed working professionals.

Get the lifestyle behavior audit tool now

3. Focus on mastering one particular lifestyle

People know that they should eat healthy, exercise frequently, sleep 7 hours per day etc…and yet they 

are not implementing these wellness tips.


Because they are overwhelmed.

Most people don’t make significant progress in their wellness goals because they lack a clear focus and are overwhelmed.

You can’t do it all, so listening to most wellness charlatans out there may not be valuable.

Achieving your wellness goals is like winning a dart game…you need to throw one arrow to hit your target.

Reaching a healthy lifestyle works the same way.

 Instead of trying to overhaul your entire life at once, focus on mastering one particular aspect.

This could be improving your diet, incorporating daily exercise, or managing stress, etc.

Choose one area to work on and gradually expand to others.

Small, consistent steps lead to significant change.

4. Anticipate and eliminate barriers

Apart from being overwhelmed, most individuals don’t clearly and specifically anticipate barriers and plan to eliminate them.

For example, you may want to increase your physical activity as a worker or entrepreneur, but you work for long hours and have a family to cater for.

How do you find the time to walk or exercise?

It is difficult…right?

For sure.

However, if you anticipate the “time” as a barrier, you will think through how to overcome it. Using the analogy above of a busy professional, a simple solution is to create time for small chunks of walk breaks during working hours.

5-10 minutes of multiple walk breaks add up to produce significant health benefits over time.

Another solution could be to use the stairs instead of an elevator or to park your car within a walking distance from where you work.

These are ideas you can come up with when brainstorming.

5. Tracking and self-monitoring systems

After deciding to make a health behavior change, it is recommended to have a tracking and self-monitoring system.

Because it is easy to procrastinate and to remain comfortable with the current unhealthy behaviors.

Having a tracking and self-monitoring system enables track your progress and keeps you motivated.

Tracking allows you to see how far you’ve come and identify areas for improvement.

Find and use a tracking method that works for you. This can be as simple as keeping a journal, using a smartphone app, or utilizing a fitness tracker. 

Track your target behaviors, which could be your physical activity, food intake, sleep patterns, and any other metrics that align with your goals.

6. Build accountability and a support system

Building a support system is essential for success on your wellness journey. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who share similar goals and values can provide the necessary encouragement, motivation, and accountability.

Start by sharing your wellness goals with your close friends and family. Let them know how they can support you on your journey. 

Consider joining a wellness community or support group via online platforms or social media groups.

connect with individuals who share similar interests and goals. Engage in discussions, seek advice, and share your progress. Seek support and accountability from your support system. Share your progress, challenges, and successes with them. They can provide encouragement, advice, and celebrate your achievements with you.

Working with a wellness coach can also provide valuable guidance and support. A health coach can help you set realistic goals, develop a personalized plan, and provide accountability. A professional can offer valuable expertise and tailor their advice to your specific needs.

Remember that building a support system is like a two-way street. Be there for others and offer support and encouragement in return.

Remember that progress is not always linear. There may be setbacks and obstacles along the way, but don’t let them discourage you. Learn from your experiences, adjust your approach if necessary, keep moving forward, and stay committed to your goals.


Creating a lifestyle without a blueprint can seem overwhelming. Following these 6 steps can help to reduce the stress of getting started.

Most of the wellness advice or tips online may not be appropriate for you.

You are in the best position to determine what you need most in your health journey. With the help of a professional like a health coach, you can reach your dream goals faster without stress.

Which of these steps can you execute today?

Let me know in the comment section below.

PS: Image credit:

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I am an experienced physician and lifestyle wellness coach that help busy and stressed workers and entrepreneurs make daily healthy lifestyle choices and break unhealthy habits. I also create authoritative health and wellness content that builds a brand’s authority and ranks high on Google.

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